How science is showing us the beauty of creation

For many years now I have used the internet to collect images from the Hubble space telescope and other space observation devices (as well as from an ever growing number of amateur space photographers who are producing results of a quality NASA could have only dreamed of 15 years ago). I have used such images in R.E. lessons when discussing creation, the origins of the universe, etc... with pupils. I have no problems accepting the current wisdom in the scientific community on the universe's age (reckoned to be 13.7 billion years), though such wisdom is being continuously refined. I suppose, therefore, that I am not much of a Creationist, and this would be true. Actually, accepting such an age for the universe and therefore the length, scale and detail of the cosmic evolutionary process that must have taken place to arrive at where we are now, is for me simply further evidence (I would not be so arrogant as to say proof) to sustain the argument that a Creator is ultimately behind it...