Senegal 2010 - day 1

Well, we made it here in one piece, though a few things got lost along the way (a wallet - not much in it, a scarf + a roll mat). But no hassles getting through baggage check-in in Gatwick despite our extra bags and we enjoyed a nice walk around Madrid + the outside of Real Madrid's rather ugly Bernabeu stadium, passing the time whilst awaiting our onward flight to Dakar. First impressions of the group on arrival in Dakar? Very hot (but a dry heat), local people swarm to help you with your luggage at the airport and are very friendly until the moment when you give them less money than they feel they earned by helping you! As one of the group said, "A reality check on life in Africa." I assured him most people here weren't so pushy. The roads are also much better than in Togo or Uganda on the whole. A Feanch Brother, Frère Jacques, met us at 11.30pm at the airport with a Ford Transit minibus for the 1h30 to his community at Thiès where we will now be till Friday....