Here’s a recent devotional from Liz Milani (The Practice Co devotional app - on the theme of inner peace and fulfilment, making use of the famous prayer by St. Teresa of Avila which is one of my favourites. The Apostle Paul wrote to his friends and said: "Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins..."* Like me, maybe you've heard this screamed from pulpits and social media platforms like a battle cry, a condemnation, a strike on your record or on that of others. But that's not what it is at all. It's the simple reminder of what's important. Wake up. Wake up. Friend, wake up. Life is happening all around you, and while you will be asleep to some of what is going on, if you live with an open heart and open hands and open eyes, all will be revealed in time - you will wake up, and you will continue to wake up your whole life long. You will experience a million tiny revelations that will collectively and continuousl...