Gratitude, a way forward in the dark

Another great devotional from Liz Milani (The Practice Co devotional app - on the theme of gratitude in a time of trial. I made a note of this post when first reading it back in April. It's sentiments still very much apply today. HOW TO SEE IN THE DARK - Part 7 When you feel like you can't see the way forward, or that your current experiences are murking up the water making it hard to make decisions and to know what to do, gratitude will clear the way, it will open your eyes, it will help you see in the dark. And these are dark times. Whether its COVID-19, job and income loss, a sense of hopelessness, relationship heartache, chronic pain, anger, frustration... whatever it is that is clouding your judgement, tightening your heart - sometimes the way forward is hard to see for all the mess and clamour of life. There is so much happening on so many different levels, it's natural and easy to feel overwhelmed and ...