Pope Francis - St. Paul and “idol worshippers”

Here’s an excellent, sensitive, Bible-centred riposte from Pope Francis, in this week’s Catholic Herald, to those who have accused him of idol worshipping, etc... showing that St. Paul announced Christ to “idol worshippers” without attacking them.


TONY said…
Hi James, I have just read this article that you link to. I had not heard of the concept of, inculturation. Thinking even back to the 60s when Peter and I were growing up and developing as catholics there was still a sense of us and them and the two may never meet. Or was that just my perception? Inculturation sounds a much better attitude and I think we can learn from others too. I think that is what the article is saying. The church has suffered from so many scandals in recent years, deservedly. Inculturation taken on board in earlier decades would have lessened the problems I think. We do have to live existentially.

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