Tenth Avenue North - Cathedrals: Day 2 • Devotional

I've recently been reading, reflecting and praying through an excellent series of daily devotionals put together by one of my favourite bands, Tenth Avenue North, primarily their singer, Mike Donehey, to accompany one of their albums from a few years ago, Cathedrals. You can find it on the YouVersion Bible app and website http:/en-GB/reading-plans/1266-tenth-avenue-north-cathedrals-the-overflow-devo . Here's the devotional for Day 2 of the series. Tenth Avenue North - Cathedrals: Day 2 • Devotional STARS IN THE NIGHT Maybe it's because I just finished Jack London's epic novel, "The Sea Wolf," but lately I've found my mind drifting to island images of shipwrecked castaways. I imagine a marauded group being rescued by a nameless vessel. Old ropes have been let out, and haggard survivors wearily hoist themselves up over the rails. Cold and exhausted, this group of worn down survivors sit on the deck of the swaying boat. Everyone'...