"Living Joyfully" festival of consecrated life - feedback from some participants

Here’s an article written for our termly school newsletter/magazine about the first of the 2 "Living Joyfully" days:

This day was organised by a group of female and male religious made up of Sisters, Brothers and religious order priests, and including Bro. James (SFX) as part of a weekend of events at the Cathedral celebrating the Catholic Church’s “Year Of Consecrated Life”.

The organising team.

On the Friday nearly 300 school children from Yrs. 9 - 13 took part in a series of workshops and other activities involving over 100 religious/consecrated lay people from different congregations and lay associations... Here are some reactions to the day from 3 of the SFX participants:

"The “Living Joyfully” day at the Cathedral was very insightful and gave us the opportunity to ask members of different religious congregations questions about their vocations. It was also great fun especially the identity parade. The whole day made us think about these people and their lives before becoming nuns/Sisters, Brothers or priests. It was a chance to find out why certain people devote their lives to God and how much fulfilment they gain from their lives." (Jonathan Berry, Alex Monkhouse + Bradley Arnold, Yr. 11).

The religious involved in “Living Joyfully”.


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