Here's something I wrote a few weeks back in a webpage comments section. Just thought I'd share it here: *************** Pope Francis has chosen a particular way of responding to God's call to follow Christ, his Son, by striving to become more like him in his own daily actions and relationships with those he meets, of being, as Francis puts it, a "missionary-disciple". This is the theme for the year in my congregation and its wider Mennaisien Family with our lay associates, colleagues and friends. It is a challenge that the Pope reminds us is given to all Christians through their baptism, not just to religious and clergy. As disciples of Christ, we are by definition also given a responsibility to share the faith we have been given, to share the graces bestowed upon us and to do so with the joy in our hearts that only God can give. It seems to me that in this sense he is far closer to the core of Catholic "orthodoxy" than most of us, ...