"Make the choice to rejoice"
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Philippians 4:4 (NLT)
Joy is that one emotion we could all do with more of! But often we mistake joy as a result of good fortune when, in fact, it is a choice to be happy... Because 'joy' is a choice! In fact, every emotion we experience is a choice. Do me a favour for the next 5 minutes and pretend you are a successful millionaire. Make sure that every person you encounter knows about your success, accomplishments and wealth. With it, you have the ability to bless and help lots of people. Immerse yourself in the vision of this experience. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Does it feel good? Of course it does! Note that even though you don’t have all those successes, accomplishments and wealth, you can still experience the joy that you imagine would come with them. The choice to feel good and experience joy is always only moments away! God says He sets before us life and death but that we should ‘choose life.' The choice is yours, and it’s God’s gift to you. Choosing life means choosing the way to feel and respond to ANY given situation. Notice that Paul says, "Always be joyful..." That means not waiting around for joy to happen but actually putting it on. Today make the choice to rejoice and you’ll find it will change the flavour of the day and make you irresistible to be around. We love you guys and thank God for you always!
Massive thanks for the repost! Hope you're loving the app...
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Blessings and kind regards...
(PktFuel.com and DVO app author)