Gustave Martelet s.j. (1916-2014) - rest in peace.

A brilliant but humble, sensitive, affectionate, funny, loyal, wonderfully engaging person whom I had the privilege to call a friend passed away during the night of Tues. to Weds.: Père Gustave Martelet s.j., a Jesuit priest whom I got to know during my studies in Paris (1995-99) and who remained a very dear friend over the subsequent years.

I saw him for the last time on my way through Paris on Jan. 3rd, 2 weeks ago. He had just come out of hospital after having suffered a major heart attack after Christmas at the age of 97... and yet survived!! My gut feeling was that this would be the last time we would meet here on earth. I think he knew it too, though he asked (as he always did) when I would be coming back to see him.

Here's a link to a blog post I wrote about him 4 years ago. 

And here are a couple of photos from the last few years...

Lunch with Gustave in his retirement community in 2011.

Early January 2012.

He was writing up until his final days: the 2nd + 3rd volumes of his study of "Evolution + Création: le sens ou le non-sens de l'homme" (basically "what's the meaning of life?" - the 3 volumes looking at the question from, firstly, a scientific + philosophical perspective, secondly from an Old Testament point of view and finally from the point of view of Christ and the fathers of the Church). All that was left to do was the epilogue to the final volume. As the Mother Superior of the community of sisters that run the retirement home in Paris which he had made his home these past 3 years said to me, the epilogue is for him the resurrection.

Rest in peace, my wonderful friend.


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