Quote for the day - No. 2 - A taste of heaven
This one's from the Life Application Study Bible (NIV) which I just purchased for my Olive Tree Bible Study app. "The transfiguration was a foretaste of heaven; the participants were doing something worth noting—talking together. In God’s world, interactions count highly. People are individuals, with minds, hearts, and opinions. People are also part of a wider whole, connected by relationships built on sharing between whole persons. Friendship is the key. Make time and opportunities to talk with others. Good conversations act as training for eternity. " I love the idea here that a healthy conversation, one founded on mutual respect and friendship, can give us a taste of heaven. Again, I have been experiencing this recently in the discussion groups at the Life In The Spirit Seminar course that I have been helping with. This is being hosted by the wonderful Fr. Peter Morgan and the prayer group of his parish of St. Anne's, Overbury St., Liverpool, under the lea...