God + our happiness
An intesting article from Mike Donehey, lead singer/songwriter with Tenth Avenue North (used as part of a devotional Bible reading plan at YouVersion.com - check out their free Bible app). What Donehey says reminds me of the words of French philosopher Maurice Blondel when he talks about all our human desires ultimately being imperfect, human expressions of the one desire: our desire for union with God, a desire w hose satisfaction is the only thing that can break the cycle of human desire and bring us deep happiness and fulfilment (my own emphases in bold ). Here's a fan video for the song that inspired Donehey's words. Shadows I grew up thinking Jesus wanted to ruin my good time. No seriously. Everything I wanted to do, it seemed like Jesus was always telling me I couldn't. My friends would get drunk and party; I wasn't allowed. All the other kids were sleeping around. Jesus said I had to flee sexual immorality. When people wronged me it felt so good to be...