Summer fun

Not been up to much so far this summer... 10 days in Lourdes (retreat + international Mennaisian pilgrimage to celebrate the 150th anniversary of our Founder’s death), a week cycling round Brittany with partner in crime Pete Smith (Southampton to Assisi wasn't enough for us), now preparing for 12 days in Spain with youth group for World Youth Day, leaving on Tues... then there's our annual Province celebration in Brittany at the end of the month… … and I’ve started planning for our next Educational Project trip at Easter 2012: this time to Haiti. Join the Brothers and see the world, hey… :-) When Pete and I got back from Brittany (430 miles cycling in 5 days, with some long, well lubricated midday or evening meals in Brothers’ communities) we felt we were in need of some exercise and so set about clearing out a “store room” in the school that is to be turned into the Chaplain’s new office/base. It took us a day + a half (4 car loads to the skip). Here’s a couple of snaps ...