Study Session - part 2: settling in

We are now just over a week into our Session. From right to left, Bro. Ewald (Haiti), Bro. Guy (Canada), Bro. Emmanuel (Togo) + Bro. Alain (France). Bro. Arturo (Argentina) Our activities have included: - talks given by Bro Merino (Spain - Assistant Superior General), Bro. Jean Pétillon (France - former Assistant, co-responsible for Ongoing Formation) and Bro. Guillermo Davilla (Uruguay - co-responsible for Ongoing Formation). - small group discussion/sharing - personal study Topics for these 3 activities include: our religious consecration, our congregation's charism and identity, Mary as a model for religious life, the spirituality (+ writings) of our Founder, Fr. Jean-Marie De La Mennais, our 3 religious vows (poverty, chastity and obedience), Vita Consecrata (Pope John-Paul II), a return to our sources of inspiration (Bible, Rule of Life, Vatican II, the Fathers of the Church, culture)... In a future article I will summarise some of the important points for me pers...