Senegal 2010 - Day 6 (Easter Monday)

(The second article I've posted today, in case you didn't see the first one below)

Well, this was the day we begun our work with the local primary school children (though we had continued to have evening football matches with older boys since our arrival). We headed for the school ready for a 9a.m. start to activities. What we had not bargained for was the fact that many of the Catholic families had had late Sunday night Easter meals/parties which went on until the early hours. The school where we are staying and working is a Catholic school and although many non-Catholics have since got involved in activities with us, the bulk of those that (at least initially) we were hoping to work with are pupils at the Brothers' school. So when none had turned up by 9.30a.m. we started to worry. We kept ourselves amused by having a little knock around with some cricket gear that a Southampton pupil had donated to us to take to Senegal. Though there are some competent cricketers in the group, it was up to myself and especially Bro. Francis (cricketer extraordinaire who played high level amateur club cricket into his 60s) to show how it is really done!!

A flamboyant slash through the covers from Bro. "Bradman" Francis.

Frère Jean-Yves then offered to drive me around the neighbourhood to call in on the local Catholics (looking out for pigs in the street as a sign of nearby Catholics, most of the other people there being Muslim!) and remind them about the activities at the school. Indeed many of the children were only just getting up.

Jean-Yves with one of his primary school teachers.

The teacher's daughter.

We managed to get 9 children on the back seats of Jean-Yves' car!! In the end about another 30 or so turned up by 10.30a.m.

Activities on the first day (morning 2hrs30, afternoon 2hrs + obligatory end of day football) included arts + crafts (cardboard crowns), a variety of different small + large group ball games (using football, tennis balls, a beach ball-sized volleyball), frisbee games, dancing (to such things as "I Am A Music Man", "Macarena", etc...), etc...
Our first activity: making crowns, getting the children to put their names on them.

Jacob getting to know Fabrice, a 6th former who brought his English books with him and is very keen to improve his English.

Mason + young friend.

Having a go at the Macarena. They were to get more into our dance numbers as the days went on.

Jack in discomfort having accidentally chewed on part of a banana skin.


Anonymous said…
Am enjoying the daily updates a lot Bro. James, and I am presuming the internet connection is slightly better than the one in Togo? Its making me very jealous.

Photos are excellent as well. Bro Francis is clearly still a dab hand at cricket!

Hope all the activities are going well.

Say Hi to Sophs for me :) and I hope you all continue to have a lovely time.

mary e said…
Hi All
How wonderful to share these pics of you all, great to see you all now working with the children.
Would have love to see you all doing the macarena and others Jacob was always good at the music man in his younger days!!!
Hope you all enjoyed your quiet day yesterday and doing the washing!!! lots of new experiences for Jacob, could you teach him to iron also :)
Look forward to next blog thankyou Brother James for keeping us informed so well.
Take Care & god Bless

Tarryn said…
Hey Guys,
Another day and another amazing bunch of photos.
It looks like you have found a new friend mason:) Dont forget you cant bring him back. You all seem you are getting the hang of things and it is about a week untill you come back shame :(.
And it looks like even Brother Francis is showing his skills back i bet he feels like he is 20 again.
Stay well and keep the photos coming in missing you loads :)

Love from Mum,Dad,Sashca,Harriet Tarryn (Masons family )
Unknown said…
Hi Guys

Bro james thank you once again for keeping the pictures flowing. Alex I will be in New York at the weekend, (quite unexpectedly) but will be home Monday am. Vey much looking forward to catching up with all your experiences on your return, with love to you and your colleagues. Mum x x
Fiona White said…
hi chips
how are you doing matey i hope that you are all having a great time. i have been enjoying riding your bike it rides o/k considering it has campag. since sunday i have not needed it as i have something better.
trust you are all entertaining the locals and making friends with lots of interesting and new experiences
mum says we will celebrate your coming home by going out for a curry

make the most of it

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