"2008 Voices"

On Tues. Nov. 18th, a musical event took place in Liverpool's Catholic Cathedral in the presence of Archbishop Kelly and Bishop Malone: "2008 Voices". This was a celebration of the Church's musical heritage involving over 2,000 primary and secondary school singers and musicians from all over the archdiocese, performing 12 hymns and religious songs in differing styles: from traditional choral hymns to Gospel, African spiritual, Taizé chant and modern Christian rock. I had been involved in the organisation of the event over the past year as part of an Archdiocesan committee. This team had a strong representation from St. Bartholomew Parish Choir, Rainhill, and these hard-working souls ensured that all the background admin in preparation for the event got done very efficiently (thanks guys!). My job was more specifically related to the hymns/music itself and the performance on the day. I helped lead a backing band for about half the pieces, made up of members of our Yr.1...