Life's great adventure....
"Entreprends gaiement et le coeur léger le voyage aventureux de la vie, de l'amour et de la mort. Et, rassure-toi, si tu trébuches, tu ne tomberas jamais plus bas que la main de Dieu." (Angelus Choiselus alias Michel Tournier, French author)
"Joyfully and light-heartedly undertake the journey of adventure through life, love and death. And rest assured that if you stumble, you will never fall lower than God's hand (reaching out to catch you)."
Wise, reassuring words.
"Joyfully and light-heartedly undertake the journey of adventure through life, love and death. And rest assured that if you stumble, you will never fall lower than God's hand (reaching out to catch you)."
Wise, reassuring words.