Only the Suffering God Can Help - By Jürgen Moltmann

I found the following article by the great German theologian Jürgen Moltmann amongst my saved articles today and feel it is rather appropriate in the context of the death of a good friend and fellow cyclist, Mel Vasey, during one of our club runs (Birkenhead North End Cycling Club) last Sunday (see article in The Independent 20/01/07 ). Mel is on the far right in this photo taken before the Wild Wales Challenge at Bala, N. Wales in 2001. This originally appeared in The Cry: The Advocacy Journal of Word Made Flesh vol. 7, no. 4 (Winter 2001) This was the saving experience of my life. It was 1944, at the end of World War II. As a boy of 18 years, I was drafted into the German army. In February 1945, I was taken prisoner of war and spent more than three years behind barbed wire in Belgium, Scotland and England. April 1948, I was repatriated. At the beginning of my imprisonment, I felt completely Godforsaken. I lost all hope; all interest in life faded away. The dark night of the soul ca...