A testimony

Here as promised is the testimony I referred to in my previous article. I post it not to boast of my own actions, but rather to boast and indeed celebrate those of God himself:

Hi Brother James,

I am just sitting working on a computer and decided to view this DVD again and it struck me that I would like to update you on the past year.

I asked for a copy of this at a time when I was asking serious questions of myself. There was a stirring inside me, and after much searching it became apparent that God was calling me.

I went along to Trent Vineyard Church in Nottingham as its outward looking approach appealed to me. On the 18th of May last year in church, hands were laid on me and prayer offerred after I had let it be known that I had just decided that I believed in Jesus as God and wished to trust and follow him. During that prayer I had the humbling experience of feeling the Holy Spirit touch me.

This past year has been without a shadow of doubt the best and most fulfilling in my life. I am very active in the Church life and serve on one of the compassionate ministry teams. Every day is one of wonder for me.

Your message that you prayed that the DVD would be a source of grace for me. I can assure you that it has been. It was one of the first of hundreds of selfless acts I have witnessed this past year. All of which never cease to reaffirm human kindness.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being one of the people who listened to the Lord's guidance with an open heart and who assisted in guiding me to faith.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.



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