Extra photos for Days 1-12

Some more pics from the first 12 days that I wasn't able to upload while in Togo.

On the beach at Aného.

Walking through Fio Kondji village near Aného.

Aného, with our guide for the morning's 12km walk (!), Edgar.

Broken down (for 30 mins.) during our 12hr journey from Aného to Mango.

With Mr. Akoh, Mango sport teacher, after he'd gone with us to the hippopotamus nature reserve near Mango.

Sunday Mass at Mango.

Mango Sunday market.

Children at Mango.


Anonymous said…
Brother James, many thanks for taking Simon with you to Togo. He has had so many wonderful experiences, in such a short time.I hope you have a good rest and a bit of peace for the rest of the holidays...you deserve it!Please pass on our thanks to Brother Francis as well.
PS the photos are brilliant!

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